
We gladly accept your donated books – it’s part of what keeps the library a vital part of the community. Simply place your book donation directly into the library. It really is just that easy!

If you’d like to, please optionally write the titles of your donations into our guest book as this will help us to register them on Book Crossing. (You’re welcome to register them on book crossing yourself prior to donation as well – it’s free.) We try to put bookplates and Book Crossing ID numbers in all of our books to help ensure that your book remains a community and public donation in perpetuity. If you’d like to leave your name in the guest book as the donor of the book, feel free so we can credit you when registering it on Book Crossing as well as here on the site. You can always choose to remain anonymous, we respect that too.

If you have more books than the little library will currently hold, please don’t simply dump them! You can leave them in a covered box preferably on our stairs/landing – this will keep our sprinklers and the elements from ruining them – or you can contact me through If the library has more books than will fit, we’ll occasionally rotate them to help improve the diversity and variety of the available collection over time.

Non-Book Donations

We also welcome donations of magazines, DVDs, Blue Ray Disks, Books On Tape (or CD) and other similar media one would find in a local library.

Financial Donations

Though we would prefer to have your patronage and your book donations, running the library on a voluntary basis is not a completely cost-free endeavor. Financial donations are also accepted, though our branch does not hold a tax exempt status.

Any financial donations will be used for general maintenance or upkeep (web hosting fees, bookplates, paint, hardware, etc.) for the library; for patron bonuses like bookmarks, dog treats, etc.; or even for discounted books to ensure library stock and selection. Directed donations are also welcome; please contact the library steward for details and discussion.


Those wishing to make donations can also opt to purchase items for the library’s wishlist, which typically includes items for capital improvement of the library.