Harry Potter Books Find an Adoring Home

Last week, Maggie, one of our neighbors, sent me a note. She said that at her nearby community garden there was a family with a young daughter who was a major Harry Potter fan. Knowing we might be able to help, Maggie wondered if we might have one or two of the books in the series to donate for a surprise??

Earlier this year we had a very successful Harry Potter Extravaganza Week. Leading up to the event we collected several copies of each of the books. Maggie was pleased to hear we had enough left to be able to put together a surprise book package with nearly brand new hardback copies of all 7 books!

a-happy-harry-potter-readerMaggie thanked us heartily for the help and texted us a photo of the young girl (muggle or witch, I can’t tell?!) who’s happily caring for the books now. The whole experience was so heartwarming that I felt selfish not sharing it with all of our generous donors and patrons who not only help keep our neighborhood Little Free Library alive, but who also allow it to support the surrounding communities that are starving for literature as well.

Thanks again everyone!

A Short Note of Thanks

Great idea, great way to connect our community. ♥

Thank you!

— Tessa Elbettar