A New Donation of 12 Terrifically Diverse Books

An anonymous donor has dropped off 12 of the most interesting and diverse books this morning! Non-fiction fans will be particularly pleased.

Since there’s not much space in the library due to our new batch last week, we’ll start putting them out early next week as space becomes available. Thank You kind patron!

Major Donation = Great New Selection of Books

This morning we were pleasantly and overwhelmingly surprised by a visit from first time patron and neighbor Kelly Buller. She left a huge donation of a variety of 26 books spanning fiction, biography, and several other areas of non-fiction. Her donation was so large that it equals the number of books we received on our opening day. What a wealth of riches!

Thank you Kelly!

Needless to say we’re turning over all of our current stock so that there is a lot of new material to choose from. We’re also including a donation of three Mario Puzo works from J. Fernandez (a City of Glendale employee, Water Department) on January 27th — the small one and two book donations comprise the vast majority of the books that flow through the library.

Whether you’re a donor big or small, I know everyone in the neighborhood appreciates your help!


We’ve definitely got British; for silly you may have to settle for silly and Australian.

We’ve definitely got British; for silly you may have to settle for silly and Australian.

iron-ladyRosie Effect

Some Great New Fiction

Since Sunday we’ve had some choice books show up in the library:

  • The Rosie Effect: A Novel by Graeme Simsion
      This is a great comedy follow up to his first novel The Rosie Project (though one needn’t have read the first to appreciate the second). It’s a romantic comedy of sorts, but one which men are as likely to enjoy as women.  Sony Pictures is currently developing the first book into a film, and this sequel is sure to follow. Bill Gates named its predecessor as one of his favorite pieces of fiction in 2014.
  • In the Unlikely Event by Judy Blume
      This has been on bestseller lists since it came out earlier this summer. Why wait in line for a copy at the library when you can walk down the street and pick it up now? Thanks Lucy for donating your copy!
  • The Sweet Potato Queens’ Book of Love by Jill Connor Browne
  • Growing Strong Daughters: Encouraging Girls to Become All They’re Meant to Be by Lisa Graham McMinn

Big Day of Donations

Yesterday certainly has to be our biggest day of donations since our grand opening.

In the early morning we saw some children’s books including:

Which showed up along with a Michael Faber (who was the first author to appear in our Little Free Library):

Then in the afternoon, some comedy and philosophy (which includes our first textbook):

And late in the day, neighbor Rondi Werner stopped by with some more children’s books:

A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who made a donation today!


Our First Outside Donation: The Last Original Wife

Sometime overnight, we received our first official outside book donation! (We’ve only been open for just a few days, and have done absolutely no publicity.) Come check out our most recent title:

The Last Original Wife: A Novel by Dorothea Benton Frank

The Last Original Wife