Local mom opens home to residents who wish to access expanding Japanese library collection | Glendale News-Press

It’s not a Little Free Library, but it’s in the same vein as what we do and if you’re interested in books in Japanese:

Reposted from Source: Local mom opens home to residents who wish to access expanding Japanese library collection – Glendale News-Press

Written by Kelly Corrigan | Glendale News-Press

Mitsuko Roberts, a local mom of four, established the Okanoue Library a little over a year ago.

She had been assessing the books in her home and tallied at least 200 Japanese books. Many had come from Japan, mailed to her from her mother who lives in Tokyo, where Roberts was born and raised.

Roberts said it bothered her that so many books were sitting on the shelf going unread.

“I was thinking, this is such a shame,” she said.

Soon, she was telling other parents of students enrolled in Verdugo Woodlands Elementary — where three of her children attend — about her unused books.

Some parents expressed similar feelings about Japanese books collecting dust in their homes, so they decided to pool their books and open a library.

After reviewing hundreds of titles, Roberts and her friends selected 300 and opened the library in May 2015.

Since then, Okanoue Library has grown in size. It’s equipped with a catalog of 700 items, including fiction and nonfiction books, DVDs and comic books for young and older students.

Roberts, who worked with Glendale school officials several years ago to establish the dual-language Japanese program at Verdugo Woodlands Elementary, is a huge proponent of bilingual education.

She said the library is a way to provide more access to students to expand their familiarity with speaking, reading and writing in Japanese.

“This library is a product of our thought, our intention, in increasing Japanese literacy,” Roberts said.

Fellow parent Soonja Bin, who often donates books to the collection and volunteers to run it, said the library has become an important local resource.

“It really helps in providing that supplemental literature that would otherwise be unavailable in the local area,” Bin said. Whenever she’s in Gardena, she visits Book-Off, where she can find some books in good condition discounted to 50 cents a title, and she’ll purchase several to donate to Okanoue.

The library’s name came out of one of the early meetings Roberts had with fellow parents.

“One of the moms accidentally said, ‘The library on top on the hill,” Roberts recalled. Okanoue translates to “hilltop,” and Roberts liked the name immediately because her home is located just “over the hill” from Verdugo Woodlands Elementary.

When Roberts opens the library, twice per month, usually on a Saturday or a Sunday, her husband will lug two heavy book carts into their front yard, and they’ll set up tables and chairs for adults and children as well as pop up large umbrellas to provide shade to read under.

Roberts also enlists older students to read to younger ones, and when she sees young children listen to an older student read for half an hour or more, she knows the library is worth the effort.

“It’s really refreshing to see the kids really enjoy it. It makes me very, very happy,” she said.

Okanoue Library, located at 1900 Sherer Lane, will be open from 10 a.m. to noon on Sept. 10 and 25 as well as Oct. 8 and 23.

For information, email okanouelibrary@gmail.com.

A Whole New Selection

Things were getting stagnant in the late Spring, so with the official start of Summer we’ve broken out about 30 new books for your reading pleasure. Thanks again to all our regular patrons, and particularly our donors for allowing us to regularly offer new material!

Stop by and see what’s new at the Adams Hill Little Free Library!

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Happy Jólabókaflóð (aka Christmas Book Flood)


I’m Thankful for My Neighborhood Little Free Library

I originally started my Little Free Library, in part, to divest myself of some of my collection of books to make some more space in the house.  Little did I know that the number (and variety) of interesting books I would come into contact with would increase dramatically! I wouldn’t have expected it, couldn’t have predicted it, probably would have told you I didn’t necessarily want it at the time, but now I’m very grateful for it.

Thank you friends and neighbors for the continued help and support! Thanks for sharing your favorite reads.

Two Month Anniversary Book Extravaganza

Friday, October 9th is the two month anniversary of Little Free Library #8424!

In honor of the day, we released 39 new books into the library covering a variety of genres. This makes it easily the largest one-time release of books including our grand opening two months ago.  There were literally so many new books they almost didn’t all fit in to our tiny space.

We’ve kept a large number of the children’s books while still adding a few more.  We’ve also kept a small handful of very popular books that have been in and out of the library several times since it opened. Otherwise, almost everything in the library is new as of this afternoon. We’ll try to keep our new listings up to date over the next couple of days (a few have already found new homes this afternoon.)

We hope you get the chance to stop by this weekend to see what’s new.  Be sure to drop a note or a review into our Guest Book when you visit.



Get ready for a whole new library selection!


For the last week, we’ve been stockpiling a few donations along with a large cache of other acquisitions in anticipation of a major release of new books to the library.

Sometime in the coming week or so (our 2 month anniversary perhaps?), we’ll be removing some of the books that have been sitting stagnant and replace them with a whole new selection of books.  With over 30 new books, it will represent the largest one-time batch of new books since our grand opening on August 9th.

Now’s your chance to borrow that great piece of fiction you’ve been eyeing before it takes a vacation from our library to visit another nearby Little Free Library.

For those who’ve been plowing through borrowed books, now’s also the time to finish up your last read to swap it for something new. Feel free to write a quick review into our guestbook to let others know what a good book it was.

Do you have any books to add to the collection?

We welcome donations at any time. But if you want to be part of the upcoming major release, feel free to leave your donation in our mailbox (or if you have several and they won’t fit, leave them on our landing in one of the plastic bags to protect them from the weather.)

Mystery Books

Celebrating the Freedom to Read: Banned Books Week

In honor of Banned Books Week (Sept. 27- Oct. 3, 2015) we’ve got a small handful of bookmarks courtesy of the Los Angeles Public Library, which is also celebrating this week.

Bookmark sticker

Among previously banned books, we’ve currently got Steinbeck’s Grapes of Wrath and J.K. Rowlings’ Harry Potter (#4). If you’ve got any banned books you’re not currently using, we’re happy to host them here to share them with your neighbors.

What’s your favorite banned book?

Labor Day + Books = A Real Vacation

Happy Labor Day everyone!

Not sure what to do before (or after) that end-of-the-summer BBQ party?  Why not stop by the library and pick up something to read at the end of the long weekend? Public libraries may be closed today, but our library is open 24/7.

Here’s what’s currently on the bookshelf: GoodReads Bookshelf for LFL #8424

We’ve also got a handful of recent popular magazines including Time, Rolling Stone, Sports Illustrated, and Golf among several others.

If you’re starting to do your Autumn cleaning and run across a few good books that you don’t need anymore, please consider donating them so your friends and neighbors can give them a second life.

Enjoy what’s left of the long holiday.

Tree Trimmers Love to Read

I don’t often see people actually stopping by our library, but books come in and books go out.

This afternoon, for the first time, I actually saw someone stop, but more because of the vehicle they were driving than anything else.

All afternoon, our street was filled with some large tree trimming vehicles and a group of men doing some work up in the trees.  As they were finishing up to caravan their large trucks out, one stopped suddenly in front of our house and the driver gesticulated wildly at the front of the house before jumping out excitedly.  He opened up the library, browsed for just a few seconds, and was quickly on his way again holding a copy of The Life of Pi in his hot little hands.

We hope you enjoy it! And thanks for helping to clean up our neighborhood while you were here!

Power Outage Solution in Adams Hill: Books!

There are apparently intermittent power Outages in Adams Hill today.

Remember that books don’t need need batteries, and we’re here all day!